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"With You Every Step of the Way"


Psychotherapy/counseling is a process whereby psychological problems are treated through communication and a therapeutic relationship between an individual, couple or family and a trained mental health professional.  We serve adults and children over the age of 6.  We utilize evidence-based techniques at MesabaCare that often includes person-centered and cognitive-behavior therapy, integrative mental health, and problem solving.  We are able to provide these services through a secure internet-based telehealth if you are unable to come to the office.  Alpha-Stim can be utilized for individuals who come into the office.  See more about Alpha-Stim here:  

Walk-and-Talk Therapy Also Available

MesabaCare is now offering "walk-and-talk" therapy. Movement, whether it’s a leisurely walk or a brisk hike, can make it easier for some people to discuss their feelings. Clients may prefer to move or walk as opposed to sitting across from their therapist in an office. Many therapists are finding walk-and-talk therapy particularly helpful in teenagers and younger clients. Researchers have found that many clients are more at ease in nature, which improves their ability to open up. An informed consent release must be signed prior to engaging in this type of therapy and can be found under "forms" on this website. 


Eligible recipients of crisis counseling must:​

  • Be in need of immediate response, due to an increase of mental illness symptoms that put the person at risk of one of the following:

    • Experiencing a life threatening mental health crisis

    • Needing a higher level of care

    • Worsening of symptoms without mental health intervention

    • Harm to self, others, or property damage

    • Significant disruption of normal functioning in at least one life area


Our crisis counseling services include:

  • Emergency assessment of the crisis situation 

  • Mental status exam

  • Psychotherapeutic interventions to reduce the crisis

  • Development of a post-crisis plan that addresses the recipient’s coping skills and community resources


A diagnostic assessment (DA) is a written report that documents the clinical and functional face-to-face evaluation of  person's mental health. The assessment includes:

  • Nature, severity and impact of behavioral difficulties

  • Functional impairment

  • Subjective distress

  • Strengths and resources

A diagnostic assessment is necessary to determine a person's eligibility for mental health services.  This allows the clinician to provide the best referral recommendations and treatment plan possible.

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